Pathways to Net Zero This year’s R&T Conference program will dive deep into the PATHWAYS TO NET ZERO to explore the imperatives faced by our aerospace, defence, and space sectors to reach their sustainability goals and commitments. Hear from OEMs, aerospace suppliers, technology developers, and researchers as they share their vision, challenges, strategies, and innovation projects in this inclusive 2-day program.
Featured keynotes, discussion panels, and technical workshops will address pathways in ESG, Additive Manufacturing, New Materials, Green Technologies, SAF, Electric Flying, Hybrid Propulsion, and Sustainable Procurement. Aerospace Networking Dinner On March 27th, we are delighted to welcome The Hon. Victor Fedeli, Minister of MEDJCT, as our Special Guest Speaker for our annual Aerospace Networking Dinner. This is a prime opportunity to connect with representatives of some of Canada's leading aerospace companies. Get your Dinner Tickets today, space is limited.
Announcing even more Speakers OAC's R&T Conference will present a line-up of prestigious industry speakers to tackle Pathways to Net Zero. Have a look at our Preliminary Program which includes our TWO Workshops, an Innovator Trade Show and Green Project Pitches! Have a look at our 2023 R&T Days full Program Don't miss out on TWO-DAYS of aerospace innovation, register by March 23rd!