Select Your Member Type


All OAC Memberships are corporate memberships. OAC will contact you to review your application and will confirm your approved member status by email. Please find a description of our different Member Types below.

All employees of the Member company can be invited by the Master Contact to create their own OAC profile on the member portal once the membership has been approved and processed.

Join online by selecting your member type at the bottom of this page!

OAC Membership Descriptions:
Industry Minimum (50 employees or less)

Industry members are those directly involved in the services, products and/or processes that contribute directly to aerospace products and/or services. (eg. design, manufacture, test & certification, MRO, etc.) You have 50 employees or less working in aerospace-related activities.
Annual Membership Dues = $700.00 (+ applicable tax)        
Membership Year
: July 1 - June 30

Industry (51 employees or more)

Industry members are those directly involved in the services, products and/or processes that contribute directly to aerospace products and/or services. (eg. design, manufacture, test & certification, MRO, etc.).  You have 51 employees or more working in aerospace-related activities.
Annual Membership Dues = $13.75 per each employee  (+ applicable tax)    
Membership Year
: July 1 - June 30  

PLEASE NOTE:  Only Industry Members have voting rights (1 vote per company) and are eligible to run for Board Positions.

Associate Member

Associate Members include those organizations that do business with and support the aerospace industry. (eg. financial, insurance, software, business services).
Annual Membership Dues = $450.00  (+ applicable tax)               
Membership Year: July 1 - June 30

Education Member

Education members are post secondary colleges, universities or research institutions.
Annual Membership Dues = $525.00  (+ applicable tax)                
Membership Year
: January 1 - December 31


Out of Province Member

Out of Province organizations are welcome to join the OAC as Associate Members (see above). Please note that there is an additional charge.
Annual Membership Dues = $450.00 + 20%  (+ applicable tax)            
Membership Year: July 1 - June 30

Non-Member / Event Attendee

Not a MEMBER? You will miss out on all those member-only benefits including: collaborative networking, lower pricing on events and access to our OAC member directory, just to name a few! You will, however, be able to search our website public files and register for events by using the "Continue as Guest" function.

View all of our OAC MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS here!

Join now by selecting your Member Type: